Weight Loss

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Weight Loss Traps

Even the best weight loss intentions can get derailed when faced with distractions, temptations and traps. Even those of you who have had weight loss surgery in Jacksonville, Florida to lose weight will find that there will be lures to get you off track with your weight loss goals. Becoming more knowledgeable of these lures[...]
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‘Thrifty’ Gene May Make You Fat

You may not be in as much control of your weight as previously thought. Scientists studying a gene labeled CRTC3, more commonly known as ‘thrifty gene’, are finding that this gene helped our ancestors survive through famines, by allowing the body to store excess fat.
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Achieve Your Weight-Loss Goals

Bariatric surgery is increasingly popular in Jacksonville, Florida. It is one of the most effective methods for helping obese people meet their weight loss and health goals. The path to weight loss through bariatric surgery can be a long one and it is helpful to develop a habit of goal setting and achievement early on[...]
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How to Battle Cravings

Most of us have dealt with food cravings or those urges to consume some type of inappropriate food while on a prescribed weight loss plan. What exactly makes up a craving? What causes the urge to grab that bowl of ice cream, reach for a bag of chips, or drive through a hamburger place and[...]
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Portable Body Fat Analyzer Accuracy

There are many ways to mark your progress as you become healthier. You can weigh yourself, measure your body's dimensions, watch your activity levels increase, or measure your body fat. The last solution seems like it could be a helpful way to determine if your fitness program is working as expected, converting your body into[...]
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Stop Emotional Eating Before It Starts

Emotional eating is a common cause of weight gain and can make it difficult to drop those extra pounds. If you tend to turn to food as a response to more than just physical hunger, try these tips to help stop emotional eating before it starts. 1. Always ask: Are you hungry? Before you put[...]
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How to Stop Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is one of the reasons that many people find themselves struggling to maintain a healthy weight. Emotional eating occurs when you eat not just because your body is hungry and craving fuel from food, but when your emotions - especially negative emotions - trigger your desire to eat. Find out how to stop[...]
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Weight Loss Eases Apnea in Obese Men

There may be an alternative to mechanical intervention when treating sleep apnea, a study at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm discovered. For the first time, high-quality evidence that “moderate-severe obstructive sleep apnea can be treated with weight loss” has come to light, according to BMJ.
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