ORBERAGastric Balloon
Helps Jump Start Weight Loss
The ORBERA System is a non-surgical and non-pharmaceutical medical device that can help obese and overweight patients lose weight without the risk of surgery or drugs.
The ORBERA System features a silicone balloon that is inserted via endoscopic methods into the stomach and filled with saline to assist with weight loss. By partially filling the stomach, the balloon helps a patient eat less and feel full, faster. The balloon is only temporary, remaining in the stomach no longer than six months.
As part of a managed weight loss program, the ORBERA System provides a jump start to weight loss. It is intended to be used as part of a program to educate and teach patients about lifestyle change and healthy eating. The ORBERA system is used in conjunction with one year of diet and behavior counseling to increase the likelihood of long-term, sustained weight loss.

The Orbera Balloon System has been in clinical use since the 1990′s. It has been used extensively throughout Europe, where it has become a clinically accepted treatment for weight loss with proven results. Orbera is FDA approved but commercial Insurance companies do not cover Orbera treatment. The ORBERA System is appropriate as a treatment for weight loss in adults with a Body Mass Index of 27 kg/m2 or greater.
The ORBERA System has been shown to be effective in initiating behavioral change and promoting weight loss by controlling food intake and reducing hunger. As a weight loss solution, it is less invasive and aggressive than bariatric surgery with minimal risk of major complications. It is also completely reversible and easy-to-use.