Qualify for Weight Loss Surgery
- You have a BMI of greater than 40 or greater than 35 with two related conditions (co-morbidities) such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and/or reflux disease. You may still qualify for surgery without meeting these criteria. Please consult with our bariatric coordinator.
- You have made attempts to lose weight by conservative methods such as Weight Watchers.
- You are prepared to make significant changes in your eating habits and lifestyle.
- You don’t drink alcohol excessively.

The LAP-BAND® system is not right for you if:
- Getting the procedure, but you will need to get approval from our surgeon before we can proceed with the process.
- You have severe heart or lung disease that makes you a poor candidate for surgery.
- You have a problem that could cause bleeding in the esophagus or stomach.
- Your esophagus, stomach, or intestine is not normal.
- You are pregnant.
- You are addicted to alcohol or drugs.
- You have an infection that could contaminate the surgical area.

Our Bariatric Approach
Surgery (balloons, bands, sleeves, bypasses) is simply the most powerful form of total caloric reduction resulting in the most consistent powerful form of weight loss. So, patients typically lose a massive amount of weight because these devices or surgeries induces a state where you do not feel hungry, eat small amounts of food and lose a lot of weight because of calorie reduction. However, the effective durability of weight loss because of the surgery is only not permanent unless you understand and address why you gained the weight in the first place. This is more complex than it may seem. This is where the JSAPA model differs from most bariatric practices. We desire much more for our patients. Surgery is not the easy way out, it may be lifesaving necessary as a last resort, but ultimately it is addressing CAUSE that matters.
JSAPA uses a substance abuse cognitive behavioral carbohydrate addiction methodology to treat our patients into remission from diabetes, obesity and many of the other co-morbidities.
From Dr. Robert Cywes's Blog
Weight Loss Testimonials and Tips