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Gabby: LAP-BAND Success

My name is Gabby and I'm 35 years old. I started putting on weight as a teen, by the time I was 19 years old I weighed 290lbs. I struggled with my weight for so many years. I was always the fat friend or the fat sister. I married at 20 and struggled with infertility[...]
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Jason: Sleeve Success

My impression was that Dr.Cywes was highly competent but was uncomfortable with selling or promoting himself. I think that he vastly undersells his talents or the results of his work. A very positive trait in a great doctor, but not necessarily for somebody who needs to convince nervous doubting surgery candidates that they're doing the[...]
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Tom: LAP-BAND Success

My story is very long but I’ll keep it as short as I can. I had been morbidly obese since 1999 and overweight since 1968. I had lost 100 lbs twice, 75 lbs and 50 lbs only to gain it back plus some so I know how to diet. I went to see Dr. Cywes[...]
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Courtney: LAP-BAND Success

I’ve struggled with my weight for almost as long as I can remember. I tried many different diets, and a few attempts at exercise, and while some worked, nothing stuck. I struggle with depression, and the negativity that comes with being obese didn’t help. I had been suicidal, then, upon deciding that wasn’t a choice,[...]
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Lap Band Surgery Improves Mental Function

Already known for providing more health benefits than just weight loss, a recent study expands the possible advantages of Lap Band surgery to include improved mental health. Laparoscopic gastric banding is less invasive than other forms of weight loss surgery, leading to faster recovery time, minimal scarring, and less chance for post-operative infections. Additionally, Lap[...]
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Patti: LAP-BAND Success

My name is Patti and I am 47 years old. I have been overweight all of my adult life. I thought about weight loss surgery over the years but always blew it off because I always convinced myself I could lose the weight on my own. Needless to say, I never did.
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Scott: LAP-BAND Success

Miserable. This word is used a lot these days but few people truly know the meaning of the word. Some folks might even say I didn’t have any reason to feel that way, because after all, I had a beautiful family, good job, decent place to lay my head at night, and everything else I[...]
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Cassandra: LAP-BAND Success

When I think back to February 26, 2009, I was at my highest weight of 235 lbs with a BMI of 50. Half of me was fat! I was digging my own grave with a knife and fork. Now it’s my bandiversy, over a year later. I'm at a Healthy Normal BMI. I weigh 149[...]
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Jackie S: LAP-BAND Success

The heaviest I have ever been was 305 pounds. I was in a horrific motor vehicle accident that caused me to be immobile for 7 _ months and all I did was eat and eat. After seeing Dr. Cywes at Jacksonville Weight Loss, I knew that the Lap-Band® was for me.
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