Enjoy Exercise after Weight Loss Surgery

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Enjoy Exercise after Weight Loss Surgery

Enjoy Exercise after Weight Loss Surgery in St. AugustineHow to bolster your fitness motivation by exploring things you love

Though your About Dr. Cywes or Jacksonville will give you all the tools you need to lose weight, it will be up to you to maintain that weight loss long-term. This means sticking to a healthy diet indefinitely, but it also means staying committed to your exercise program. Exercise is what will keep your body strong, helping you replace the weight you lose with lean, toned muscle.

However, it can be hard to stay devoted to an exercise routine if you find yourself dreading every workout. Your weight loss surgeon has likely told you how important it is for you to exercise, but making it a daily habit is easier said than done, especially if you’ve never been a regular exerciser.

To help yourself stay focused on your exercise program, it’s important to use your workouts to explore things you actually enjoy doing. It should come as no surprise that you have trouble staying motivated to spend 30 boring minutes on a treadmill every day, and you have no reason to force yourself to do an activity that doesn’t thrill you. There are countless ways to exercise—exploring a fun one can keep you engaged in exercise and even provide you with an entertaining new hobby.

You’ll have plenty of time to explore fitness after JSAPA Weight Loss Surgery, and the things you like the most will be the best activities to jump into. But if you’re having trouble thinking of something that sounds like fun, try something exciting like:

  • Dance. Though dancing is a cultural experience, it can also be a physically demanding one. In addition to helping you burn calories and build full-body fitness, a dance class can be a great place to socialize and learn about a heritage different from your own. Zumba’s fast-paced Latin rhythms are especially popular as a workout, but you can also give yourself a little culture shock with bhangra, tango and countless others.
  • Martial arts. Any martial art can make you sweat, but some can also be calm the mind. Classes in countless different martial arts can be found in most cities, including Valdosta and Jacksonville. Those interested in something more physical can try judo or muay Thai, but these activities can be quite strenuous, especially for those still recovering from weight loss surgery. More relaxed styles like tai chi and qigong incorporate meditative elements with slow, measured movements, helping you find peace of mind in addition to an excellent workout.

These are just two of thousands of workouts available to you after weight loss surgery in Valdosta or Jacksonville. If you’ve thought of an activity you’d love to try, but aren’t sure it will be a good match for you, be sure to ask your weight loss surgeon if he thinks you’re ready.

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