Common Side Effects after Bariatric Surgery

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Common Side Effects after Bariatric Surgery

After undergoing bariatric surgery there are certain lifestyle changes that you are going to be required to make. For the most part, these changes are small and simple—but they are also very important for your health. There are certain side effects that you may be at an increased risk for if you do not make the necessary changes to your diet and exercise routine following JSAPA Weight Loss Surgery. Here are a few of the most common side effects and ways you can prevent and treat them.

  1. Nausea and Vomiting. Following your bariatric procedure you need to make certain changes to the way you consume food. Taking large bites, eating too much, or drinking too much while eating may lead to increased discomfort, and ultimately to nausea or vomiting. Prevent this discomfort by cutting your food into small bites and listening careful to all dietary restrictions and recommendations that your physician provides you with after your operation.
  2. Constipation. There are a lot of reasons that you could experience constipation following bariatric surgery, including a poor diet high in dairy and low in fiber, too much stress, and dehydration. Overcome this uncomfortable side effect by staying hydrated, reducing dairy, eating more fiber and taking control of your stress levels.
  3. Diarrhea. This is often caused by high amounts of sugar alcohols in your food. Prevent diarrhea by reducing your sugar intake. Read the nutrition label on your pre-packaged foods. If they include “ol” terms, such as sorbitol, manitol and xylitol it may cause diarrhea and should be avoided.
  4. Hair Thinning. This is a common side effect during any bout of extreme weight loss. Do not worry too much about this, it is a temporary side effect and over time should repair itself on its own. Hair thinning is especially common 2-10 months following bariatric surgery. To minimize the thinning, try taking a multivitamin supplement and consume between 60-80 grams of protein daily.



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