Vitamin Tips for Lap-Band Patients

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Vitamin Tips for Lap-Band Patients

Lap-Band surgery has become a popular method of JSAPA Weight Loss Surgery for the very obese. Patients who have undergone this procedure have a Lap-Band placed at the top of their stomach to control food intake.

Following surgery, patients may find that it is more difficult to ingest the vitamins and nutrients generally recommended for healthy daily intake. Therefore, your Lap-Band surgeon may recommend a vitamin supplement to ensure your body is appropriately replenished.

Necessary Nutrients

At a minimum, patients who have undergone bariatric surgery will generally be advised by their physicians to take a multivitamin along with iron and calcium supplements. Additional options may also be considered or recommended including a vitamin B complex. Healthcare professionals recommend that calcium and iron supplements be taken at least two hours apart, as they can impede the others absorption.

For patients who have undergone a Lap-Band bariatric surgery, calcium citrate is the better choice over supplements that contain calcium carbonate. Vitamin D will also improve absorption of calcium and can be obtained naturally through foods or outdoor activity as well as additional supplements.


Most patients are familiar with the pill form of vitamins, but many other options exist on the market—chewables, pills that dissolve in the mouth, liquid, powders and injections. Healthcare professionals advise that adult Lap-Band patients avoid taking children’s chewable vitamins and stick to adult versions of the same.

To take the mundane quality out of daily vitamin intake schedules, try adding powders or liquids to nutritious smoothies. Many chewables can also be found in chocolate flavors, providing more inspiration to stay on a daily schedule.


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